
The best relationship usually begins unexpectedly.

Hello everyone!!

The word soulmate doesn’t need any annotation, still I want to pour out my soul on it. This topic has always intrigued me, fascinated me. I have read immensely about them, hoping & dreaming to find mine. Yes, I love building castles in the air. And voilà, it works.

Soulmates are wonderful people to have. Once you find them, the urge for having someone else so close to you slowly fades away. Because, with the passing time they simply grow on you. They are constantly besides you no matter where they are in real. They understand you the way only you know yourself. It’s like they have tapped your thinking process, they speak what you think. They trust your beliefs because every little thing you believe in is alluring to them. Usually people around you know what you like, soulmates know what you love & equally what gives you distress. Yes again, they know it all. Their mere name is an assurance for you in any situation. They care for you the most; in the most whimsical manner. No, it’s not always that your spouse is your soulmate. And yes, they can be anybody. I believe you just can’t go around searching for a soulmate, it’s only when you already have one you understand the charm of this relationship.

If only words could convey the perfect feelings, this post would have been much longer.

P.s: I have the best soulmate in the world! 🙂

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